Puzzle Information

Puzzles can take all kinds of forms. We are trying to use this page to give people a start with puzzles and some things to look for when trying to solve puzzles.


White text on white background

Some people make a puzzle by hiding the coordinates on the page by matching the font color to the background. To find this text you can press ctrl key + A or use your mouse to highlight the page. This will show any hidden text. Try it now to see hidden text below.
You found the hidden text on this page. Good job!!

Substitution Cipher

A substitution cipher is a way of replacing regular text with cipher text. A simple substitution cipher is changeing A to 1, B to 2, C to 3..... to spell cache it would be 31385. The reverse can also be done where 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C.... Coordinate could be EA EB.BCD (40 41.123). A more complex substitution could use images, icons, or different fonts to represnt numbers or letters.
20 8 1 14 11 19 0 6 15 18 0 19 15 12 22 9 14 7 0 20 8 5 0 16 21 26 26 12 5 (Space equals 0, A = 1...)

ROT 13 Cipher

A rot 13 cipher is a letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. A would become a N, B would become a O, C would become a P. Below is a sample cipher. You can decipher it by hand or use rumkin cipher tool.
Lbh fbyirq guvf chmmyr pbeerpgyl. Tbbq wbo!

Morse Code

Morse code is the use of dots and dashs to represent letters and numbers. This code was developed for telegraph communication. To spell cache it would be -.-. .- -.-. .... . You can decipher it by hand or use rumkin cipher tool.
-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / -.-. .- -. / -... . / . .- ... -.-- / - --- / ... .--. --- - / -... ..- - / .... .- .-. -.. / - --- / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - . .-.-.- / --. --- --- -.. / .--- --- -... ---.

Book Cipher

A book cipher uses a book or reference text to cipher plain text. Usually book ciphers are displayed in sets of numbers 4,3,2. Those sets can be two, three, or four numbers per set. The numbers can represent paragraphs, sentence, word, letter, or line. Sometimes the text is given to you and other times you have to find the text used for the cipher.
2,3,1 (Second sentence, third word, first letter)
2,1,2 (Second paragraph, first word, second letter)
2,3,12,3 (Second paragraph, third sentence, twelfth word, third letter)
27,2 (twenty seventh word, second letter)
Mystery/Puzzle Geocache is the "catch-all" of geocache types. It was formerly called an "Unknown" geocache.

For many geocaches of this type, the listed coordinates are not where the cache is placed. They refer to a nearby waypoint, such as parking. If the listed coordinates are not for the geocache location, the true geocache location should be no more than 2 miles (3.2 km) away.

The ciphered word is four.